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Institute for Labour Education and Research (Karachi) - Websites of some leading Trade Unions in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan:
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- India: NREG two Years On - Where Do We Go from Here? by Santosh Mehrotra [August 2, 2008] - India: - NREGA: ship without rudder? by Jean Drèze [July 19, 2008] - India: Gurgaon Workers News [May 11, 2008] - India: Local Impact of Retailer-Driven Garment Supply Chains by Anuradha Kalhan [January 26, 2008] - Stitching Identities in a Free Trade Zone: Gender and Politics in Sri Lanka by Sandya Hewamanne [n.d. 2007] - India: A Sociological Profile of a Public Sector Workforce by Dilip Subramanian [December 22, 2007] - India: NREGA - Dismantling the contractor raj by Jean Drèze [20 November, 2007] - Gender and Class: Women in Indian Industry by Samita Sen [October 23, 2007] - India: Labour and Closure of a Mill by Manali Chakrabarti [May 26, 2007] - India: Economic Liberalisation, Work and Democracy by Nandini Gooptu [May 26, 2007] - Workers' Organisations in Pakistan: Why no role in formal politics? by Christopher Candland [March 2007] - India: Labour in Brick Kilns: A Case Study in Chennai by Guerin Isabelle , Bhukuth Augendra , Parthasarthy , Venkatasubramanian G [February 17, 2007] - India: Social security for street vendors by Sharit K. Bhowmik [December, 2006] - The Global Indian Software Labour Force: IT Professionals in Europe by Carol Upadhya [2006] - Organizing India's call center comrades by Sudha Ramachandran [November 21, 2006] - Why Unions Fail in Organising India's BPO-ITES Industry by Amandeep Sandhu [October 2006] - National employment guarantee inaction by Jean Drèze [September 12, 2006] - Pakistan: Collective Care Arrangements in the Informal Labour Market by Zeenat Hisam [May 27, 2006] - India: Organising Call Centre Agents - Emerging Issues by Ernesto Noronha , Premilla D'Cruz [May 27, 2006] - UK: 30th Anniversary of the Grunwick Strike [May 16, 2006] - Pakistan: Of Women, Work and Public Spaces: Thoughts on Karachi's Poor by Kamran Asdar Ali [May 1, 2006] - India: Labouring Unity by Bela Malik [April 2006] - Defending Workers Rights in Subcontracted Workplaces by Rohini Hensman (Chapter in: Threads of Labour: Garment Industry Supply Chains From the Workers Perspective. 2005) - India: Sex workers' Bill continues to stigmatise prostitution by Rakesh Shukla [December 19, 2005] - Pakistan: A Flawed Labour Policy by Karamat Ali and Omar Abbas [December 17, 2005] - India - New Delhi: Trapped to Death: Deaths from fire at a Garment Factory in Vishwas Nagar On the morning of 7 December [2005], a fire, resulting in the death of twelve workers, broke out on the second floor of Groversons Apparels Pvt. Ltd., a garment-manufacturing unit in Vishwas Nagar, East Delhi. by PUDR - Unemployment in Kerala at the turn of the century by K. C. Zachariah and S. Irudaya Rajan [August 2005] - Right to Strike: Indispensable for worker's rights by HRF [June 2005] - India: Labour Activism and Women in the Unorganised Sector by Supriya RoyChowdhury [May 28, 2005] - Street Vendors in Asia: A Review by Sharit K Bhowmik [May 28, 2005] - Deregulation and Labour Policies in a Public Sector Firm by Dilip Subramanian [May 28, 2005] - Labour Flexibility Debate in India by K R Shyam Sundar [May 28, 2005] - Social Reproduction of Third World Labour in the Era of Globalisation by Rakhi Sehgal [May 28, 2005] - India: Worker Politics, Trade Unions and the Shiv Sena's Rise in Central Bombay |