India (and South Asia) Sexuality Minorities Rights Page |
Last updated on August 17, 2008


The South and Southeast Asia Resource Centre on Sexuality
Voices against 377
Naz Foundation International
Lesbians and Bisexuals in Action (LABIA) [formerly known as Stree Sangam]
Good As You
Sangama: Resource Center on Sexuality
Sambhavna Trust
Gay Delhi and Humrahi Trust
Aids Bhed Bhav Virodhi Andolan (ABVA)
The Nigah Queer Fest
Queer Kerala

South Asia, Diaspora & International Contacts:

Blue Diamond Society
Companions on a Journey

Trikone | (SALGA) The South Asian Lesbian & Gay Association NYC

International Lesbian and Gay Association
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
Al Fatiha Foundation

Other Resources:

- Nigah: a festival of South Asian queer film! (4-5 March, 2005, Chicago)

BOMgAY A film by Riyad Vinci Wadia
- QFilmistan: The first South Asian LGBT film festival in North America (2001)
- Larzish: The Tremors of a Revolution
- Call for contributions to the LARZISH: 1st International Film Festival of Sexuality and Gender Plurality, India, 2003
- Photo Essay on the Hijras of Pakistan
- Transgenders South Asia Mailing List
- Homosexuality in India: Past and Present by Ruth Vanita
- An Interview with Urvashi Vaid (Samar Magazine)

377 Quit India!
by Gayeti Singh (August 2008)

India's First Gay Pride March, June 29, 2008 / June 30, 2008: News Reports
- Sexuality minorities march with pride (The Hindu)
- Gays Parade for Equal Rights (NDTV)
- Gays, Lesbians Take to the Streets (Hindustan Times)
- Gay Pride Delhi Style (Time)
- Gay Pride March Debuts in India (BBC)
- Video Clip of Scenes from the gay rights protest in Delhi (BBC)
- Proud in New Delhi : India's uneasy relationship with gay pride.
 by Daniel Pepper | Newsweek Web Exclusive, June 30, 2008

Pride, prejudice and politics
by Gautam Bhan (Indian Express, June 28, 2008)

'Queer Pride' parade on Delhi streets
by IANS (NDTV, June 23, 2008)

Tamil Nadu takes the progressive step of recognising transgender . . .
Editorial, EPW, June 21, 2008

Questioning norms and bodies
by Shalini Mahajan (Seminar, March 2008)

Nepal Court Rules on Gay Rights 
(BBC, 21 December 2007)

India's gays tiptoe anonymously into the limelight
by Amelia Gentleman (The Observer, May 27, 2007)

Fighting for their rights
a newsreport (The Times of India,

Wrapped in a Cocoon : Sexual Minorities in West Bengal
by Prothoma Rai Chaudhri 
(Economic and Political Weekly, March 17, 2007)

Revise Section 377:
Sodomy and rape should not receive equal treatment
- Arvind Narrain & Vivek Divan ( The Times of India, 12 Jan, 2007)

Section 377 and the Dignity of Indian Homosexuals
- Alok Gupta (
Economic and Political Weekly, November 18, 2006)

Pakistan's ground breaking drag artist
- Syed Shoaib Hasan (BBC, November
6, 2006)

India: Human Rights versus Section 377
- Anil Divan (The Hindu, October 12, 2006)

Open Letter for the overturning of the Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code
- Vikram Seth and Others (September 2006)

Statement in support of the Open Letter by Vikram Seth and others re section 377 of the Indian Penal Code
- Amatya Sen (Hindustan Times, September 15, 2006)

Desine Denied, desire defined (A book review)
- Gautam Bhan (Tehelka, July 8, 2006)

Sexuality: A Realm of Politics (Book review of 'Sexuality, Gender and Rights: Exploring Theory and Practice in South and South-East Asia edited by Geetanjali Mishra, Radhika Chandiramani;
Sage, New Delhi, 2005)

- Arvind Narrain (Economic and Political Weekly, March 25, 2006)

Nothing Unnatural About it
- Rakesh Shukla (The Times of India, February 13, 2006)

Nepal Police on 'Sexual Cleansing' Drive
 - Human Rights Watch Press Release (January 13, 2006)

Letter to Indian Prime Minister Singh
On the arrest of four men on charges of homosexual conduct in Lucknow
 - Scott Long, Human Rights Watch (January 11, 2006)

A Historical Fact (Book Review : Love's Rite: Same-Sex Marriage in India and the West, Ruth Vanita)
- by Anita Joshua 
(January 1, 2006)

Nepal: Social Exclusion of Sexual and Gender Minorities
- Sunil Babu Pant (Blue Diamond Society, October 2005)

India: A battle for sexual rights 
- Siddharth Narain (Frontline May 7-May 20, 2005)

India: Protest against using law 'to harass sexual minorities' (The Hindu, March 1, 2005)

An Interview with Ruth Vanita, author of Same Sex Love in India
Elyse Weingarten (March 2005)

Canada gay union Bill raises storm in Punjab (Times of India, January 28, 2005)

Crossing sexual boundaries in Nepal
- Charles Haviland (BBC, January 26, 2005)

Homosexual victim exposes the Delhi press
In the case of a double murder in Delhi, it is the "dark underbelly"of print journalism rather than homosexuality that needs to be examined
- Aniruddha Dutta [9/8/2004 ]

Sexuality  and Identity: Hetero-Normativity as Censorship            
by Akshay Khanna (2004)

India: It's a queer case!
- Namita Bhandare (The Hindustan Times, August 17, 2004)

Strange mindset
- Anjali Gopalan (Letter to The Hindustan Times, August 17, 2004)

Nepal: Sexual Rights Group at Risk of Closure
- Human Rights Watch Press Release
(July 23, 2004)

Pro-Gay Movement Gathers Steam in India
(OneWorld, UK, July 2, 2004)

India: 'Lesbians want space, not publicity'
- Bachi Karkaria (Times of India, June 19, 2004)

India: Dear Mr Razdan, homosexuals are not freaks
- Tejal Shah (Times of India, June 14, 2004)

A perspective from India: Homosexuality stands criminalized because of a mid 19th century colonial law
- Aditya Bondyopadhyay (April 13, 2004
Palais des Nations, Geneva; Switzerland)

There are no short cuts to queer utopia: Sodomy, law and social change
- Arvind Narrain (Lines, February 2004)

India: Section 377: How natural is normal?
- Nivedita Menon (SACW, January 1, 2004)

India: Sexuality and Law [campaign against the repeal of section 377]
- Siddharth Narrain (Frontline Dec.20, 2003-Jan.2, 2004)

Draft of Open Letter Challenging Government of India's assertion not to decriminalise homosexuality and to create public opinion

India: Law - Punishment of Crimes for Enforcement of Morality
- Rakesh Shukla (October 30, 2003)

In a twilight world  - The eunuchs of India
- Siddarth Narrrain (October 11, 2003)

Minority Matters
- Anjali Gopalan (Interview, The Times of India, September 20, 2003)

Gays in India : Keeping the closet door closed
- Siddharth Srivastava (International Herald Tribune, September 17, 2003)

Why should homosexuality be a crime?
- (The Times of India, September 19, 2003)

Same-sex South Asia
- M V Ramana (Himal Magazine July 2003)

Human rights violations against sexuality minorities in India
- A PUCL-K fact-finding report about Bangalore (2003)

Police Abuse of AIDS Workers Worsens Epidemic in India
- Human Rights Watch (2002)

Lesbian Activism in Sri Lanka
- Women's Support Group of the Companions on a Journey (Lines, May 2002)

'End psychiatric abuse against homosexuals in India'
- IGHLRC ALert (2001)

For People Like Us
- Ashwini Sukthankar (New Internationalist 328, October 2000)

The Law and Homosexuality in India
- Sherry Joseph (CEHAT. International Conference on Preventing Violence, Caring for Survivors, Nov 28-30, 1998. YMCA, Mumbai)

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