The Indian Economic and Social History Review
Table of Contents 1996 /1995 and Index for 1995
The Indian Economic and Social History Review ------------------------------------------------------------------
Volume XXXIII Number 2 April-June 1996CONTENTS
ANDREW POPE/ Australian gold and the finance of India's exports during World War I: A case study of imperial control and coordination, p. 115
SUMIT GUHA/ Forest polities and agrarian empires: The Khandesh Bhils, c. 1700-1850, p. 133
SOREN MENTZ/ English private trade on the Coromandel coast, 1660-1690: Diamonds and country trade, p. 155
ANIRUDH DESHPANDE/ Hopes and disillusionment: Recruitment, demobilisation and the emergence of discontent in the Indian armed forces after the Second World War. p. 175
**Book Reviews** * Ashin Das Gupta, Merchants of Maritime India 1500-1800; Sinappah Arasaratnam, Maritime India in the Seventeenth Century; Om Prakash, Precious Metals and Commerce. The Dutch East India Company in the Indian Ocean Trade; Sanjay Subrahmanyam, ed., Money and the Market in India 1100-1700; a review article by Lakshmi Subramanian. p. 209
* Qeyamuddin Ahmad, The Wahhabi Movement in India, by Richard M. Eaton, p. 219
* Seema Alavi, The Sepoys and the Company: Tradition and Transition in Northern India, 1770-1830, by Michael H. Fisher, p. 221
* Ralph Russell, Hidden in the Lane: An Anthology of Two Centuries of Urdu Literature, by Mushirul Hasan, p. 223
The Indian Economic and Social History Review ------------------------------------------------------------------
Volume XXXIII Number 1 January-March 1996CONTENTS
UPINDER SINGH/ Sanchi: The history of the patronage of an ancient Buddhist establishment, p. 1
INDU AGNIHOTRI/ Ecology, land use and colonisation: The canal colonies of Punjab, p. 37
MUSHTAQ A. KAW/ Famines in Kashmir, 1586 - 1819: The policy of the Mughal and Afghan rulers, p. 59
MAHESH SHARMA/ Marginalisation and appropriation: Jogis, Brahmins and Sidh shrines, p. 73
AYESHA JALAL/ Secularists, subalterns and the stigma of 'communalism': Partition historiography revisited, p. 93
**Book Reviews** * Shahid Amin, Event, Metaphor, Memory, Chauri Chaura 1922-1992, reviewed by Majid Siddiqi, p. 105 * Brajadulal Chattopadhyaya, The Making of Early Medieval India, reviewed by Richard Eaton, p. 106 * Fatima da Silva Gracias, Health and Hygiene in Colonial Goa (1510-1961), reviewed by Maria Dossal, p. 108 * Arun Mukherjee, Crime and Public Disorder in Colonial Bengal 1861-1912, reviewed by Joya Chatterji, p. 111 * G. Thimmaiah, Power Politics and Social Justice: Backward Castes in Karnataka, reviewed by Dharma Kumar, p. 113
The Indian Economic and Social History Review ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume XXXII Number 4 October-December 1995
DAVID WILLMER/ The Islamic state as telos: Mumtaz Shah Nawaz's narrative of Pakistan and modernity, p. 413
SHRI KRISHAN/ Peasant mobilisation, political organisations and modes of interaction: The Bombay countryside 1934-1941, p. 429
AMAR FAROOQUU/ Opium enterprise and colonial intervention in Malwa and western India, 1800-1824, p. 447
A. SRIVATHSAN/ The persecution of Ramanuja: A view from the Srirangam temple complex, p. 475
Book Reviews
* David Arnold and Ramachandra Guha,eds.,Nature, Culture and Imperialism: Essays on the Environmental History of South Asia, by Mahesb Rangarajan, p. 489 * Sanjay Subrahmanyam,ed., Money and the Market in India 1100 1700, by H.W. van Santen, p. 491 * Himanshu P. Ray, The Winds of Change: Buddhism and the Maritime Links of Early South Asia, by Upinder Singh, p. 493 * J.E. Llewellyn, The Arya Samaj as a Fundamentalist Movement: A Study in Comparative Fundamentalism, by T.N. Madan, p. 495 * Rajnarayan Chandavarkar, The Origins of Industrial Capitalism in India: Business Strategies and the Working Classes in Bombay, 1900-1940, by Douglas E. Haynes, p. 497
Index to Volume XXXII [1995], p. 501
The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index to Volume XXXII - 1995
Articles & Book reviews
Bhattacharyya, Harihar: The Reang Rebellion in Tripura, 1943-45 and the Birth of an Ethnic Identity (pp. 375-90) Evans, Barbara: Constructing a Plantation Labour Force: The Plantation-Village Nexus in South India (pp. 155-76) Farooqui, Amar: Opium Enterprise and Colonial Intervention in Malwa and Western India 1800-1824 (pp. 447-73) Hann, Arjan de: Migration in Eastern India: A Segmented Labour Market (pp. 51-93) Krishan, Shri: Peasant Mobilisation, Political Organisations and Modes of Interaction: The Bombay Countryside 1934-41 (pp. 429-46) Mann, Michael: A Permanent Settlement for the Ceded and Conquered Provinces: Revenue Administration in North India, 1801-1833 (pp. 245-69) Mukhopadhyay, Bhudev: India's History Revealed in a Dream (Translated by Sujit Mukherjee) (pp. 219-44) Oddie, Geoffrey A.: Old Wine in New Bottles? Kartabhaja (Vaishnava) Converts to Evangelical Christianity in Bengal, 1835-1845 (pp. 327-43) Pope, Andrew: British Steamshipping and the Indian Coastal Trade, 1870-1915 (pp. 1-21) Prashad, Vijay: The Killing of Bala Shah an the Birth of Valmiki: Hinduisation and the Politics of Religion (pp. 287-325) Raina, Dhruv and S. Irfan Habib: Bhadralok Perceptions of Science, Technology and Cultural Nationalism (pp. 95-117) Srivathsan, A.: The Persecution of Ramanuja: A View from the Srirangam Temple Complex (pp. 475-87) Subrahmanyam, Sanjay: The Politics of Fiscal Decline: A Reconsideration of Maratha Tanjavur, 1676-1799 (pp. 177-217) Sundar, Nandini: The Dreaded Danteswari: Annals of Alleged Sacrifice pp. 345-74) Tyabji, Nasir: Public Sector Investment and Technology Choice in the Transportation Industry in Madras (pp. 23-49) Vijaya, T.P.: Honour in Chains: The Problem of Hitti-Bitti Chakri in Jama Tenure in Coorg, 1800-1930 (pp. 135-53) Willmer, David: The Islamic State as Telos: Mumtaz Shah Nawaz's Narrative of Pakistan and Modernity (pp. 413-27)
* Amman, Mir: A Tale of Four Dervishes (translated from Urdu with an introduction by Mohammed Zakir), by Mushirul Hasan (pp. 391-92) * Arnold, David: Colonising the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth-century India, by V.R. Muraleedharan (pp. 399 402) * Arnold, David and David Hardiman, eds: Subaltern Studies VIII: Essays in Honour of Ranjit Guha, by Dilip M. Menon (pp. 392-94) * Arnold, David and Ramachandra Guha, eds: Nature, Culture and Imperialism: Essays on the Environmental History of South Asia, by Mahesh Rangaraian (pp. 489-90) * Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan: The Origins of Industrial Capitalism in India: Business Strategies and the Working Classes in Bombay, 1900 1948. by Douglas E. Haynes (pp. 497-99) * Chowdhry, Prem: The Veiled Woman: Shifting Gender Equations in Rural Haryana 1880-1990, by G. Arunima (pp. 394-96) * Crook, John and Henry Osmaston, eds: Himalayan Buddhist Villages: Environment, Resources, Society and Religious Life in Zangskar, Ladakh, by Janet Rizvi (pp. 396-98) * Dasgupta, Ajit K.: A History of Indian Economic Thought, by S. Ambirajan (pp. 273-74) * Dewey, Clive: Anglo-Indian Attitudes: The Mind of the Indian Civil Service, by Ramachandra Guha (pp. 274-76) * Ganesh, Kamala: Boundary Walls: Caste and Women in a Tamil Community, by C.J. Fuller (pp. 398-99) * Haldon, John: The State and the Tributary Mode of Production, by Harbans Mukhia (pp. 402-4) * Harrison, Mark: Public Health in British India: Anglo-Indian Preventive Medicine 1859-1914, by V.R. Muraleedharan (pp. 399-402) * Hauser, Walter, ed.: Sahajanand on Agricultural Labour and the Rural Poor, by Majid H. Siddiqi (pp. 284-85) * Husain, Iqbal: The Rise and Decline of the Ruhela Chieftaincies in 18th Century India, by Seema Alavi (pp. 271-73) * Juergensmeyer, Mark: Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State, by Dipankar Gupta (pp. 404-6) * Karashima, Noboru: Towards a New Formation: South Indian Society Under Vijayanagara Rule, by Dilip M. Menon (pp. 125-28) * Leigh, Minturn: Sita's Daughters: Coming out of Purdah, by Meera Kosambi (pp. 279-80) Llewellyn, J.E.: The Arya Samaj as a Fundamentalist Movement: A Study in Comparative Fundamentalism, by T.N. Madan (pp. 495-96) * Mclane, John R.: Land and Local Kingship in Eighteenth-Century Bengal by Radhika Singha (pp. 119-21) * Menon, Dilip M.: Caste, Nationalism and Communism in South India Malabar 1900-1948, by Robin Jeffrey (pp. 406-7) * Oberoi, Harjet: The Construction of Religious Boundaries: Culture, Identity and Diversity in the Sikh Tradition, by T.N. Madan (pp. 121-23) * O'Hanlon, Rosalind: A Comparison Between Women and Men: Tarabai Shinde and the Critique of Gender Relations in Colonial India, by Meera Kosambi (pp. 276-78) * Pati, Biswamoy: Resisting Domination: Peasants, Tribals and the National Movement in Orissa 1920-50, by Rohan D'souza (pp. 123-25) * Prakash, Gyan: Bonded Histories: Genealogies of Labor Servitude in Colonial India, by Jacques Pouchepadass (pp. 280-84) * Rao, Velucheru Narayana, David Shulman and Sanjay Subrahmanyam: Symbols of Substance: Court and State in Nayaka Period Tamil Nadu, by Dilip M. Menon (pp. 125-28) * Ray, Himanshu P.: The Winds of Change: Buddhism and the Maritime Links of Early South Asia, by Upinder Singh (pp. 493-95) * Roy, Manisha: Bengali Women, by Mukul Mukherjee (pp. 130-31) * Sachdeva, Veena: Polity and Economy of the Punjab during the Late Eighteenth Century, by Meena Bhargava (pp. 129-30) * Singh, Upinder: Kings, Brahmans and Temples in Orissa: An Epigraphic Study A. D. 300-1147, by Nayanjot Lahiri (pp. 407-9) * Siva Kumar, Chitra and S. Siva Kumar: Peasants and Nabobs: Agrarian Radicalism in Late Eighteenth Century Tamil Country, by Atchi Reddy (pp. 131-32) * Subrahmanyam, Sanjay, ed.: Money and the Market in India 1100- 1700, by H.W. van Santen (pp. 491-93) * Vishvanathan, Susan: The Christians of Kerala, by Suguna Ramanathan (pp. 410-11)