The South Asia Citizens Web |
is an independent space on the internet to promote exchange of information between and about citizens initiatives from South Asia [and its diasporic communities]

Last Update: August 18, 2008

SACW is 12 years old !
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Content Sections

- India Pakistan: Citizens Against Kargil war of 1999
- Pakistan India Peoples Forum for Peace and Democracy

In Defence of Secularism:
- Communalism repository
- Contesting communalism digital resources: images/audio/video
 Invoking an imagined Past:
- Doctoring education
- History writing at risk from the far right


Womens rights
Sexuality minorities

Human Rights Pages  
In defence of S.A.R. Gilani

Victims of 'Nation Building', Development and Conflict

Environmental Action

South Asia Labour activists library

The undocumented independent left space

Special Collections

Gujarat 2002
Fundamentalist Threats to Freedom of Expression
The Military Coup in Pakistan October 1999
S. Asians against the war on Iraq
Partition of 1947
- Fencing off the People: On borders and boundry making in South Asia

Mailing lists

South Asia Citizens Wire
South Asians Against Nukes
India Pakistan Arms Race and Militarisation Watch
Labour Notes South Asia


Communalism Watch
Hindutva at Work

Sister Sites [*]:
South Asians Against Nukes
- South Asia Counter Information Project 
Media, Communications and Technologies of Control in South Asia

Resources and Links

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 We are not responsible for the content of external websites. Including hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement.]

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Selections from recent content

Hindutva and Politics: The Case of Vishva Hindu Parishad
by Geeta Puri

Letter to the UN Re. Humanitarian Crisis in Kashmir
by concerned academics, activists and citizens

Time to Ban 'Hindu Janjagruti Samiti' and 'Sanatan Santha'
by Subhash Gatade

Finding the Road to Peace in Sri Lanka
by Rohini Hensman

Statement by Academics and Activists on the Harassment of Ashis Nandy and a Demand for Withdrawal of Spurious Charges Levied Against Him
released by Veena Das

Statement to official commission of Inquiry re communal violence in Kandhamal, Orissa
by Angana Chatterji

When state panders to religious interests, it threatens womens rights: the case of Asian women in UK
by Pragna Patel

Dont let them silence Taslima Nasreen: Stand Up For The Sake of Freedom of Expression in India
An SACW compilation of opinions and statements

Professor Patnaik and The Aftermath of Nandigram
by Dilip Simeon

Final Interim Report of an Independent Citizens’ Team from Kolkata on the Current State of Affairs in Nandigram
30 November 2007

by Kavita Panjabi, Anuradha Kapoor, Rajashri Dasgupta, Saswati Ghosh, Shyamoli Das, Swapna Banerjee, Trina Nileena Banerjee, Shuktara Lal, Sushmita Sinha, Shubhasree Bhattacharya and Sourinee Mirdha

The Religion of Force
by Dilip Simeon

Pakistan needs real democratic government
by Zia Mian

The Ongoing Struggle For Democracy in Sri Lanka
by Rohini Hensman

Delhi Petition Condemns assault on Freedom of Expression

Fears for Democracy in India
by Martha C. Nussbaum

Stop campaign to terrorize a theatre group in Pakistan
by Madeeha Gauhar

SEZ's and Land Acquisition: Factsheet for an unconstitutional economic policy   |  SEZ aur bhoomi adhigrahan (Hindi Version)
by Citizens Research Collective

1984 anti-Sikh riots: 
Citizens Appeal for impartial prosecution of Sajjan Kumar, Congress (I) MP

Neglect of Children Under Six in the Union Budget 2007-8: A letter to India's Prime Minister
Government of India will be spending less than Rs 5,000 crores this year on children under six, who represent more than 15 per cent of India’s population.  This compares with Rs 96,000 crores to be spent on “defence”.  This is a staggering and unacceptable imbalance in Budget priorities. 
by  Jean Dreze, N.C.Saxena, Shantha Sinha, Aruna Roy, Kavita Srivastava, Harsh Mander, Vandana Prasad, Arun Gupta , Annie Raja, Veena Shatrugna, Sudha Sundararaman

India's Hindu Taliban :
Hindutva's Uncivil Society in Eastern UP
by  Subhashini Ali

'Yogi Parighatna: Poorvi Uttar Pradesh Mein Hindu Rashtra ki Dastak' (Hindu Rashtra knocking on the door in Eastern UP)
by Subhash Gatade [A 64 page booklet in Hindi]

India: Refuse to sit by and let mass crimes go unpunished
by Teesta Setalvad

Clemency for Mohd. Afzal Guru - A petition submitted to the President of India (emailed on 7 February 2007 at 22.36 hrs )

Sri Lanka: Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
by Rohini Hensman

Re-imagining Pakistan
by Pervez Hoodbhoy

13 Questions *
by Arundhati Roy
(* The Introduction in 13 December - A reader: The Strange Case of the Attack on the Indian Parliament)

Attack on India's Parliament: Last chance to know what really happened
by Nirmalangshu Mukerji

"We are tired of Military Rule"
A statement by some concerned Pakistani citizens

Open Letter for overturning the section 377 of the Indian Penal Code
by Vikram Seth and others

India: Listen to Sharmila's Voice of Conscience! Repeal the Armed Forces Special Powers Act Now!
Theeradesa Mahilavedi fisher womens group and other women's groups in solidarity 

Pakistan: Waiting for Enligtenment
by Pervez Hoodbhoy

We Condemn the heinous Crime in Mumbai
A statement by Pakistani Peace Activists on
bombings of July 11, 2006

An Open Letter to Nepali Democrats
by Dilip Simeon and Madhu Sarin

- Minorities In South Asia
by K.N.Panikkar

Interrogating 'terrorism - Speak the truth - Stop the killing

Dilip Simeon
Sri-Lanka: Achieving Legitimacy with Accountability

by Sri Lanka Democracy Forum (SLDF)
- India's 1984 Riots Revisited: Time for a National audit
by Lalitha Ramdas
- A Very Special Police: India's 'Special Cell' and Abuses
by Nirmalangshu Mukherji
- A Dangerous Illusion
by Mukul Dube (Introduction in The Parivar Raj and After, published by Vikas Adhyan Kendra, Mumbai, August 2005)
- Tanika Sarkar and Sumit Sarkar on Politics in India
An interview by Snehal Shinghavi

-Tsunami Victims Perceptions of the Proposed Buffer Zone and its Implications in Eastern Sri Lanka
by N. Shanmugaratnam

- India Through Pakistani Eyes: Observations on science and society in India
by Pervez Hoodbhoy
- Science, Scientists and Science Movements in India - a comment on Pervez Hoodbhoy's 'India Through Pakistani Eyes'
by Meera Nanda

- An open letter to the Pakistan President re representation of women and labour in local govt bodies
- SAHR Demands Nepal's return to democratic rule
- India: Citizens Letter to National Human Rights commission re the attack on S.A.R. Geelani
- The attack on S.A.R. Geelani and questions re the December 13 Case
An open letter to the Home minister of India
- Nepal Under Military Rule: Public Appeal from the Nepali Human Rights Community

- Royal Takeover in Nepal: Drastic and Ill-advised
by Kanak Mani Dixit
- Globalization and Pakistan's Dilemma of Development
by Hassan N. Gardezi
We, the Citizens of Bangladesh Demand Security . . .
A statement by women in Dhaka

- A last chance for peace in Sri Lanka
by Rohini Hensman
Global War on Terrorism and Democratic Rights
by Tapan Kumar Bose

- UK: Hullabaloo over the English play Behzti
- India: The Indira Sagar Dam - State Accountability and Rehabilitation Issues
by Independent People's Commission
- Sri Lanka: Broadening the discourse on peace and security
by Prof. Asoka Bandarage
India: Open Letter to the Media
by feminists, rights activists and organisations
Letter to India's Prime Minister Re: The Dec 13, 2001 attack on Parliament

- Who Attacked the Indian Parliament?
by Nirmalangshu Mukherji
- State Accountability in Communal Riots: Proposed Law on Duties of State Authorities
by Harsh Mander

- India's National Anthem: Are we still singing for the Empire?

Pradip Kumar Datta
- The Sri Lankan Peace Process

by Asoka Bandarage

Elsewhere on the web
- Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth
by Michael Parenti
- Nepal's Democratic Revolution of 2006 and after
by Achin Vanaik

Pakistan at sixty
by Tariq Ali

- Historical Memory Without History
by Romila Thapar
- Genealogies of Globalisation:
Unpacking the 'Universal' History of Capital

by Aditya Nigam
- Secularism without Secularisation:
What explains the failure of secularism in the US and India? by Meera Nanda
- Bangladesh slips into chaos
by Indrani Sen

- Our Present and Our Past
by Amartya Sen
Thwarting the Market for Corporate Control: Takeover Regulation in India
by Jairus Banaji
Does Globalization Help or Hurt the World's Poor?
by Pranab Bardhan
- India's History from below
by Partha Chatterjee

The Failure of Military Government (Book Review of Asghar Khan's Pakistan: Politics and Military Power)
by Raunaq Jahan
- Why the United States Promotes India's Great Power Ambitions

by Research Unit for Political Economy

- Mystic River (Book Review of Amartya Sen's The Argumentative Indian)
by Tariq Ali
- Urban Riots and Cricket in South Asia: A Postscript to ‘Leveling Crowds’
by Stanley J. Tambiah

Godless States: Dilemmas of secularism in India and America
by Meera Nanda
60th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Special Issue, 2005 - Peace Now - Journal of India's Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace
Edited by Zia Mian And Smitu Kothari

- "In the Name of Politics" Sovereignty, Democracy, and the Multitude in India
by Dipesh Chakrabarty
- The 'People's War [in Nepal]
by Pankaj Mishra
- Decolonising the Past
by Romila Thapar
- US Dollar Hegemony - The Soft Underbelly of Empire
by Rohini Hensman, Marinella Correggia
- "Woman" and "homeland" in Ritwik Ghatak's films
by Erin O'Donnell 
- A Lecture on India: Large and Small
by Amartya Sen
- Don't Forget India's Poor
by Jean Drèze
- Indian democracy and Public Reasoning
Interview with Amartya Sen
- India, a Great Power?
by Samir Amin
- Relevant History (Book Review of: The Emergence of Bangladesh: Class Struggles in East Pakistan (1947-1958) by Badruddin Umar; Oxford University Press, Karachi; pp 389)
by Ashok Mitra
- "Historical writing is not a free-for-all in which anyone can claim to be writing history.
by Romila Thapar

- Nuclear Disarmament: Building a Movement in South Asia  
by Achin Vanaik

- Films as Historical Sources or Alternative History
by Anirudh Deshpande

- Dismantling Prejudice -The Journey to a people based peace strategy  
by Admiral Laxminarayan Ramdas

- Miracles, Wars, and Politics
by Pervez Hoodbhoy

- Bangladesh's Prisoner of Zion
by Michael Freund

India /Pakistan: Next Steps For Nuclear Talks
by Zia Mian, A.H. Nayyar, R. Rajaraman, M.V. Ramana

How deep shall we dig?
by Arundhati Roy
Religion Under Globalisation
by P. Radhakrishnan

Secularism Under Seige
K.N. Panikkar
The Political Economy of Bangladesh's external relations
by Rehman Sobhan
Sri Lanka: Rewarding Tyranny: Undermining the Democratic Potential for Peace
- Culture and Ethnicity: An Examination of Recent Conceptual Shifts in Left Writings on Indian Politics
by Devesh Vijay
The Political Psychology of Hindu nationalism
by Rajeev Bhargava
Loss of Socialist Vision and Options before the Women's Movement
by Gabriele Dietrich
Gandhi, the Philosopher
by Akeel Bilgrami

The Dammed: Arundhati Roy discusses India's Dams
Selves Made Strange: Violent and Performative Bodies in the Cities of Indian Cinema, 1974 - 2003
by Ravi Vasudevan

Coming Out
by Shyam Selvadurai
How does Culture Matter
by Amartya Sen
- Erotic Politicians and Mullahs
Hanif Kureishi

Selected from the SACW Archive

Peace Dividend, Development and the Distributional Problem in Sri Lanka
by N. Shanmugaratnam
The South Asia Feminist Declaration
Militarisation, Nation and Gender: Women's Bodies as Arenas of Violent Conflict
by Rubina Saigol
Dear India and Pakistan
by Baljit Malik
On Religion and Secularism in the making of Pakistan
Prof. Hamza Alavi
Communalism in Modern India: A Theoretical Examination
by Dilip Simeon
The Political Culture of Fascism
by Jairus Banaji
The New Indian Right
Achin Vanaik 

- The Death of a School
Jugnu Ramaswamy
Women Surviving Amidst Displacement and Deprivation in Sri Lanka
by F. Zackariya and N. Shanmugaratnam

 The Dangers of Religious Environmentalism in India
by Meera Nanda

- The Future of The Indian Past
by Romila Thapar

- Section 377: How natural is normal?
by Nivedita Menon
- Rethinking Plebicite in Kashmir
by Pervez Hoodbhoy
- Broadening the Perspectives for Peace in Sri Lanka
by Asoka Bandaraje
Islam, the Mediterranean, and the rise of capitalism
by Jairus Banaji
Pakistan India Peoples Forum: Through a decade of stormy waters
by B.M. Kutty and Karamat Ali
Power Dressing in Sri Lanka
by Farzana Haniffa
Borders and Boundaries in Partition Literature
by Shivam Vij

The Politics of Religion in Pakistan
by Hassan N. Gardezi

- Growing Up Extreme: On the Peculiarly Vicious Fanatacism of [Indian] Expatriates
by Shashi Tharoor

Joint Statement Against Nuclear Tests and Weapons by Retired Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi Armed Forces Personnel
July 1998
(Revised and updated on October 1, 1998)
- Who are the Guilty ? - Report  on causes and impact of the riots in Delhi from 31 October to 10 November 1984
 => The old SACW homepage [There are several broken links on this archived page.]


International People's Tribunal On Human Rights And Justice In Indian-Administered Kashmir

Release Ajay TG

Citizens Challenge Emergency Rule in Pakistan

Online Petition: Urge the Indian government to condemn the Burmese military junta

Unmistakably Sangh: The National HSC and its Hindutva Agenda
A report by The Campaign To Stop Funding Hate [17 January 2008]

Lying Religiously: The Hindu Students Council and the politics of deception
A report by Campaign to Stop Funding Hate
[April 15, 2007]

A Petition to the Govt. of Bangladesh re the death by torture of Mr Choles Retchil

Pakistan: Record of the conflict between the Government and Dawn

Campaign to Save Afzal Guru From the Gallows by JKCCS

An open letter against death penalty to India's President and Prime Minister
by Jagmohan Singh and Anand Patwardhan

Hanging Afzal Would be a Stigma on Indian Democracy: Afzal in his own words
A booklet by The Society for the Protection of Detainees' and Prisoners' Rights

Justice for Afzal Guru
call for a fresh inquiry into the attack on the Indian parliament

War in Kashmir and the undermining of Indian democracy South Asia Citizens Wire - 06 October, 2005

Vadodara: Violence on Gujarat's "Gaurav" Day
- A PUCL Interim Report, May 1-13, 2006

Untold Story of Proselyisation of Tribals in Dangs, Gujarat, India A Report by Citizens Inquiry Committee - January 3, 2006

Funding the 'Final War': LTTE Intimidation and Extortion in Tamil Diaspora
Report - March 14, 2006

Breach of Faith - Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community in Bangladesh
A report by Human Rights Watch - June, 2005

Genocide in Gujarat: The Sangh Parivar, Narendra Modi, and the Government of Gujarat
A report prepared for the Coalition Against Genocide - March 02, 2005

India Justice, the victim: Gujarat state fails to protect women from violence
- A Report by Amnesty International -January 27, 2005

In Bad Faith? British Charity & Hindu Extremism by Awaaz: South Asia Watch -2004

The Foreign Exchange of Hate:
An investigation into the American funding of Hindutva Fundamentalists
(Published by Sabrang Communications and the South Asia Citizens Web -2002)

A Feminist Analysis of Genocide in Gujarat
A Report by the International Initiative for Justice

Twenty Years of Impunity: The November 1984 Pogroms of Sikhs in India -2004

Hamza Alavi: Tributes and Obituaries

Remembering Alice Thorner

Selections from links area:

Initiated and managed since 1996 by Harsh Kapoor; now operating under the aegis of Social Change Communications [A registered non profit in France]