from recent content
Hindutva and Politics: The Case of Vishva Hindu Parishad
by Geeta Puri
Letter to the UN Re. Humanitarian Crisis in Kashmir
by concerned academics, activists and citizens
to Ban 'Hindu Janjagruti Samiti' and 'Sanatan Santha'
by Subhash Gatade
Finding the Road to Peace in
Sri Lanka
by Rohini Hensman
by Academics and Activists on the Harassment of Ashis Nandy and a
Demand for Withdrawal of Spurious Charges Levied Against Him
released by
Veena Das
to official commission of Inquiry re communal violence in Kandhamal,
by Angana Chatterji
state panders to religious interests, it threatens womens rights: the
case of Asian women in UK
by Pragna Patel
let them silence Taslima Nasreen: Stand Up For The Sake of Freedom of
Expression in India
An SACW compilation of opinions and statements
Patnaik and The Aftermath of Nandigram
by Dilip Simeon
Interim Report of an Independent Citizens’ Team from Kolkata on the
Current State of Affairs in Nandigram
30 November 2007
Kavita Panjabi, Anuradha Kapoor, Rajashri Dasgupta, Saswati Ghosh,
Shyamoli Das, Swapna Banerjee, Trina Nileena Banerjee, Shuktara Lal,
Sushmita Sinha, Shubhasree Bhattacharya and Sourinee Mirdha
Religion of Force
by Dilip Simeon
needs real democratic government
by Zia Mian
Ongoing Struggle For Democracy in Sri Lanka
by Rohini Hensman
Delhi Petition Condemns
assault on Freedom of Expression
for Democracy in India
by Martha C. Nussbaum
campaign to terrorize a theatre group in Pakistan
by Madeeha Gauhar
SEZ's and Land Acquisition:
Factsheet for an unconstitutional economic policy
| SEZ aur bhoomi adhigrahan
(Hindi Version)
by Citizens Research Collective
anti-Sikh riots:
Appeal for impartial prosecution of Sajjan Kumar, Congress (I) MP
Neglect of
Children Under Six in the Union Budget 2007-8: A letter to India's
Prime Minister
of India will be
spending less than Rs 5,000 crores this year on children under six, who
represent more than 15 per cent of India’s population. This
compares with Rs 96,000 crores to be spent on
“defence”. This is a staggering and unacceptable
imbalance in Budget priorities.
by Jean Dreze, N.C.Saxena, Shantha
Sinha, Aruna Roy, Kavita
Srivastava, Harsh Mander, Vandana Prasad, Arun Gupta , Annie Raja,
Veena Shatrugna, Sudha Sundararaman
India's Hindu Taliban :
Uncivil Society in Eastern UP
by Subhashini Ali
Parighatna: Poorvi Uttar Pradesh Mein Hindu Rashtra ki Dastak' (Hindu Rashtra knocking on the
door in Eastern UP)
by Subhash Gatade [A 64 page booklet in Hindi]
Refuse to sit by and let mass crimes go unpunished
by Teesta Setalvad
Clemency for Mohd. Afzal
Guru - A petition submitted to the President of India (emailed
on 7
February 2007 at
22.36 hrs )
Sri Lanka: Is there light
at the end of the tunnel?
by Rohini Hensman
Re-imagining Pakistan
by Pervez Hoodbhoy
13 Questions *
by Arundhati Roy
(* The Introduction in 13 December - A reader: The
Strange Case of the Attack on the Indian Parliament)
Attack on India's
Parliament: Last chance to know what really happened
by Nirmalangshu Mukerji
"We are tired of Military
A statement by some concerned Pakistani citizens
Open Letter for overturning the section 377 of the
Indian Penal Code
by Vikram Seth and others
India: Listen to
Sharmila's Voice of Conscience! Repeal the Armed Forces Special Powers
Act Now!
by Theeradesa Mahilavedi
fisher womens group and other women's groups in solidarity
Waiting for Enligtenment
by Pervez Hoodbhoy
Condemn the
heinous Crime in Mumbai
A statement by
Peace Activists on bombings of
July 11, 2006
An Open Letter to
by Dilip Simeon and Madhu Sarin
- Minorities
In South Asia
by by
- Interrogating
'terrorism - Speak
the truth - Stop the killing
Dilip Simeon
- Sri-Lanka:
Legitimacy with
by Sri
Lanka Democracy Forum
- India's
1984 Riots Revisited: Time for a National audit
by Lalitha
- A Very
Special Police:
India's 'Special Cell' and Abuses
by Nirmalangshu Mukherji
- A
Dangerous Illusion
by Mukul Dube (Introduction in The
Parivar Raj and
After, published by Vikas Adhyan Kendra, Mumbai, August 2005)
- Tanika
Sarkar and Sumit
Sarkar on Politics in India
An interview by Snehal Shinghavi
Perceptions of the Proposed Buffer Zone and its Implications in Eastern
Sri Lanka
by N. Shanmugaratnam
- India Through
Pakistani Eyes:
Observations on science and society in India
by Pervez Hoodbhoy
- Science, Scientists
and Science
Movements in India - a comment on Pervez Hoodbhoy's 'India Through
Pakistani Eyes'
by Meera Nanda
- An open
letter to the
Pakistan President re representation of women and labour in local govt
- SAHR Demands
Nepal's return
to democratic rule
- India: Citizens
Letter to
National Human Rights commission re the attack on S.A.R. Geelani
- The attack
on S.A.R.
Geelani and questions re the December 13 Case
An open letter to the Home minister of India
- Nepal Under Military Rule: Public Appeal
from the Nepali Human Rights Community
- Royal Takeover
in Nepal:
Drastic and Ill-advised
by Kanak Mani Dixit
- Globalization
and Pakistan's Dilemma of Development
by Hassan N. Gardezi
- We, the
Citizens of Bangladesh Demand Security
. . .
A statement by women in Dhaka
- A last chance
for peace in Sri Lanka
by Rohini Hensman
- Global
War on Terrorism and Democratic Rights
by Tapan Kumar Bose
- UK:
Hullabaloo over the English play Behzti
- India:
The Indira Sagar Dam - State Accountability
and Rehabilitation Issues
by Independent People's Commission
- Sri Lanka:
Broadening the
discourse on peace and security
by Prof. Asoka Bandarage
- India: Open Letter to
the Media
by feminists, rights activists and organisations
- Letter
India's Prime Minister Re: The Dec 13, 2001 attack on Parliament
- Who
Attacked the Indian
by Nirmalangshu
Accountability in
Communal Riots: Proposed Law on Duties of State Authorities
by Harsh Mander
India's National Anthem: Are we still singing for the Empire?
by Pradip
Kumar Datta
- The
Sri Lankan Peace Process
Asoka Bandarage