Progressive South Asian Voices Against the War on Iraq - 2003
No to deployment of Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi Troops in Iraq!
(Updated on 12 July 2003)[Announcement: 'Progressive South Asian Voices Against the War on Iraq:Vol.1' A collection of 53 full text articles compiled between January and early April 2003 is available as a word file | Size: 332k ; A subsequent compilation 'Progressive South Asian Voices Against the War on Iraq:Vol.2 (41 full text articles from April 5 to April 15) is now also available available as a word file | Size: 357k. | Those interested in recieving these big files as attachments should write to <>]
Post Invasion Writings:
The God option by Ruchir Joshi (July 11, 2003)
Guerilla chowkidars of South Asia by CK Lal (July 2003)
Chowkidar to the Empire? by P. Sainath (June 29, 2003)
Reading in Iraq by Amitava Kumar (June 1, 2003)
Writings prior to and during the War on Iraq:
Love With No Boundaries - Our position on war and anti-war movement by Sex workers Forum Kerala (April 23, 2003)
The Empire of Terror by I.K. Shukla (April 23, 2003)
Open Appeal to Amnesty International to set up an Indpependent War Crimes Tribunal on Iraq by Eleven Peace and Human Rights Activists of South Asia (April 18, 2003)
Rage by Nirmalangshu Mukherji (April 18, 2003)
Iraq: From the cradle of civilization to its grave by Aseem Srivastava (April 17, 2003)
To Boycott or Not to Boycott? by Aditya Nigam (April 17, 2003)
Nonviolence as a Doctrine for Democracy by V.K.Tripathi (16 April 2003)
Nobody Came: Everybody "Liberated" by Badruddin R. Gowani (April 10, 2003)
The New Mongols by Aseem Srivastava (April, 9 2003)
Open Letter to US President by India's University Teachers (April 7, 2003)
Iraq War [A poem] by Sagari Chabra (April 6, 2003)
Sham-e-Ghariban [An Urdu Poem To the People of Iraq] by Gauhar Raza (April 5, 2003)
A Strategy To Stop The War by Rohini Hensman [April 3, 2003]
Brutal imperialism in the name of democracy by Aseem Srivastava [April 3, 2003]
Boycott The Dollar To Stop The War! by Rohini Hensman [March 27, 2003]
Links:Obscuring the Reality (Kalpana Sharma | April 26, 2003)
Ungrateful Ali: The Painful Paradox of Embedded Freedom (Siddharth Varadarajan | April 25, 2003)
The new colours of imperialism (Mushirul Hasan | April 19, 2003)
A Way Between the Towers - Shooting and shagging, screwing and killing (Bhaswati Chakravorty | April 19, 2003)
The Iraq war puts the clock back to imperialism at its crudest (Ashok Mitra | April 18, 2003)
Jingoism and journalism (Kuldip Nayar | April 18, 2003)
Bush-button Imperialism: Pax Americana is not Raj Redux (Jug Suraiya | April 18, 2003)
India's A Devious Route to the Bush Camp (Ninan Koshy | April 16, 2003)
Dark Lessons From Iraq: Grave perils of 'pre-emption' (Praful Bidwai | April 15, 2003)
Consequences and lessons (Imtiaz Alam | April 13, 2003)
Sticks, Stones and Names (Amit Chaudhuri | April 13, 2003)
War, media, propaganda and language (P. Sainath | April 13, 2003)
Knowledge and colonisation (Rubina Saigol | April 13, 2003)
Vietnam a blot, Iraq a scar (P Chidambaram April 13, 2003
Interview with Prof. Richard Falk (Zia Mian and Smitu Kothari | April 12, 2003)
U.S.: Losing the political war (Praful Bidwai | April 12, 2003)
U.S. economy, oil contracts & war ( C. Rammanohar Reddy | April 12, 2003)
Hour of Media Shame (Kanak Mani Dixit | April 11, 2003)
The wing of a lost bird (Feryal Ali Gauhar | April 10, 2003)
The Anglophone Empire (Amitav Ghosh | April 7, 2003)
The autumn of the fig leaf (Ruchir Joshi | April 7, 2003)
Admiral Ramdas and Praful Bidwai at an anti war meeting in Bombay (Indian Express | April 7, 2003)
The Outline of the Beast: An interview with Arundhati Roy (Arundhati Roy and Anthony Arnove | April 08, 2003)
Black Humour in Time of War (Sumanta Banerjee | April 05, 2003)
Used To Futility (Dilip D'Souza | April 05, 2003)
American Innumeracy and the War: Learning to Count the Dead (Romi Mahajan | April 5, 2003)
The Lethal Logic of Barbarians: There Are No More Arguments (Vijay Prashad | April 4, 2003)
March of Folly (Praful Bidwai | 4 April 2003)
Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates (Arundhati Roy | April 2, 2003)
The war of occupation (Aijaz Ahmad | March 29, 2003)
An Agenda for Global Hegemony (Praful Bidwai | March 29, 2003) Opposition in India & Pakistan to the US-led invasion of Iraq | Radio Interviews with Arundhati Roy / Praful Bidwai / Abdul Hamid Nayyar | March 25, 2003)
George Bush in New Delhi (Sudhanva Deshpande | March 22, 2003)
Machinehead (Praful Bidwai | March 22, 2003)
A Looming Monetary Collision: Oil, the dollar and the euro
A briefing paper on the global economy (Arjun Makhijani | 19 March 2003)
No War for Oil (Sehba Sarwar | January 19, 2003)
Uunderstanding The U.S.-Iraq Crisis: A Primer (Phyllis Bennis | January 2003)
"Peace Not War" CD: Extracts from a speech by Tariq Ali (ADF remix)
Code Pink: Womens Pre-emptive strike for peace
Give Us Back our Democracy (Edward Said | April 20, 2003)
No pretty script in this drama, (Rahul Mahajan | March 30, 2003)
Articles by Robert Fisk
Writings by Glen Rangwala
A project of the South Asia Citizens Web
[Disclaimer: Opinions expressed by authors do not nesessarily refelect views of the South Asia Citizens Web coordinator]